We are delivering once-in-a-generation school buildings, major upgrades and maintenance strategies that will ensure every school-aged child has access to high quality education facilities at their local public school.

Our Vision

The NSW Government is investing $6.7 billion over the next four years to deliver 190 new and upgraded schools to support communities across NSW. In addition, a record $1.3 billion is being spent on school maintenance over four years, along with a record $500 million for the sustainable Cooler Classrooms program to provide air conditioning to schools.
This is the largest investment in public education infrastructure in the history of NSW and is our big chance to renew and improve our ageing school buildings. It will change the way our classrooms are designed, creating open-planned, interactive and multipurpose indoor and outdoor spaces that includes state-of-the-art technology.
Our vision is to deliver the very best school infrastructure so that the NSW public education system is one of the finest in the world.

Record Investment

$6.7 billion over the next four years, a record $1.3 billion for school maintenance

New Projects

Delivering 190 new and upgraded schools to support communities across NSW

Cooler Classrooms

$500 million for Cooler Classrooms program to provide air conditioning to schools

The school infrastructure challenge

NSW is experiencing extraordinary population growth in Sydney and major regional centres. On current trends, Sydney’s population will double in size in just over 40 years. To put this growth into context, for more than 30 years, NSW public education has had relatively stable student numbers. We are now seeing the first major increase in the school-age population since the Baby Boom of the 1950s.
We need to build, upgrade and maintain our school infrastructure to plan for the growing number of student places required:
  • There will be a massive 21% growth in student numbers by 2031. This means NSW schools will need to accommodate an extra 269,000 students, with 164,000 of these students in the public system.
  • 80% of growth will occur in Sydney – particularly in urban growth areas.
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To future-proof our state’s education offerings we will seek to supply learning spaces that support modern teaching practice, ensure play space at our new schools meets student needs, incorporate design principles that make our schools more environmentally sustainable, engage with local communities during the planning process for new and upgraded infrastructure effectively manage school maintenance needs, make school facilities and grounds more accessible to local communities and work with the private sector to ensure we are innovative in the way new schools are delivered.